Our consulting services

Not only before a pension promise is actually made but also during the vesting phase and afterwards while benefits are being claimed there are continuous issues of varying kind concerning legal and economic topics.

Changes in the legal or economic framework may lead to new possibilities but may also call for adaption requirements. We support by assessing the given circumstances within your company and assist in developing new solutions.


As a certified pension consultant according to German legal requirements (§ 10 Abs. 1 S. 1 Nr. 2 RDG) we can offer you professional and in-depth legal advice on your company pension scheme.

Information on current developments in the field of occupational pensions can be found in our newsletter „GBG-aktuell“ which we publish three to four times a year.

BilMoG Zins
veröffentlicht 12.20241,96 %1,90 %
veröffentlicht 02.20252,00 %1,93 %
GBG-Prognose 12.20252,16 %2,02 %

zur BilMoG-Zinsentwicklung