Our actuarial services

All around the annual financial statements we find a variety of requirements related to accounting of pension liabilities as well as of other long-term benefits for commercial and tax reasons. An essential part of our work is the preparation of actuarial reports for pension liabilities as well as for other liabilities e.g. obligations from partial retirement or jubilee agreements.

The periodic actuarial calculations of the required provisions can be complemented by alternative valuations, analyses or forecasts. Apart from supporting you in accounting we can also help in assessing the impact of further effects such as demographic developments, biometrical influence or changes concerning legal requirements.


In order to cope with these challenges GBG employs experienced professionals who have attained solid expertise throughout their education at the German Association of Actuaries (“Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung e.V.”, DAV) or at the Institute of Pension Actuaries („Institut der Versicherungs­mathe­matischen Sachverständigen für Altersversorgung e.V.“, IVS). Continuing education is mandatory for these institutions and to us as well which goes without saying.

BilMoG Zins
veröffentlicht 12.20241,96 %1,90 %
veröffentlicht 02.20252,00 %1,93 %
GBG-Prognose 12.20252,16 %2,02 %

zur BilMoG-Zinsentwicklung